Focus and Scope



JURNAL ILMIAH KSYATRIA is an academic journal that publishes scientific articles related to religious and social studies, with a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach. This journal highlights the exploration of theory, practice, and scientific development in Religious and Social Studies, including education, psychology, and counseling guidance based on the values of spirituality and humanism. This journal accepts research articles, theoretical studies, systematic literature reviews, and research reports that contribute to the development of interdisciplinary social and religious sciences.


The journal welcomes manuscripts covering Religious and Social Studies, including Education, Psychology, and Guidance Counseling based on the values of spirituality and humanism in general, and not limited to the following examples of topics:

1. Religious Studies & Spiritual Thought.

  • Religious education and its role in social transformation.
  • Religious studies in social and cultural perspectives.
  • Philosophy of religion and religious thought.
  • Theology and social interpretation studies.
  • Interreligious dialogue and pluralism.
  • Religious moderation.

2. Social Studies & Human Development.

  • Media, technology and their influence on social and religious life.
  • Gender, social justice and spiritual values-based development.
  • Social psychology and community interaction.
  • Social and cultural anthropology.
  • Sociology of religion and society.

3. Education, Psychology, and Counseling.

  • Guidance and counseling based on cultural values and spirituality.
  • The role of psychology in building social and mental well-being.
  • Learning models that integrate spirituality and technology.
  • The influence of religiosity in education and mental health.
  • Character and value education in a multicultural context.
  • Educational psychology in learner development.
  • Social and spiritual values-based education.

4. Interdisciplinary Approaches in Religious & Social Studies.

  • Integration between religion, science, and technology in community development.
  • Neuropsychological studies in education and counseling guidance.
  • Environmental studies based on social ethics and spirituality.
  • Socio-political dynamics in the study of religion and culture.
  • Religious values in social conflict resolution.