About the Journal

Journal title : EduVenture: Journal of Educational Sciences
Editor in Chief : Afif Alfiyanto, M.Pd (Google Scholar; ID Scopus: 59404076800)
Frequency : 2 issues per year  (February and August)
DOI : Prefix 10.21093
Online ISSN : -
Managing Editor : -
Publisher : Yayasan Karya Kolaborasi Nusantara
Citation Analysis : DOAJ | GarudaGoogle Scholar

EduVenture Journal is a peer-reviewed academic journal committed to advancing knowledge across the field of education. The journal publishes original research articles, theoretical perspectives, and empirical studies covering various aspects of education, without disciplinary boundaries. We welcome contributions from a variety of fields, including (but not limited to) primary education, secondary education, higher education, educational technology, curriculum development, educational policy, special education, non-formal education, educational psychology, and interdisciplinary studies relevant to education.




EduVenture: Journal of Educational Sciences is now accepting manuscript submissions for its upcoming issues:

Volume 01, Issue 2 (August 2025)

About the Journal
EduVenture is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to advancing knowledge in the field of education. The journal publishes original research articles, theoretical perspectives, and empirical studies, covering various aspects of education without disciplinary boundaries.


Read more about CALL FOR PAPERS

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2025)
					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2025)

This edition will be available online on February 28, 2025. All articles in this edition are written/coordinated by authors from several countries (-).

Published: 2025-02-28
View All Issues
Journal title EduVenture: Journal of Educational Sciences
Language English
Frequency 2 issues per year | February and August
DOI https://doi.org/10.21093/EduVenture
Online ISSN On Process
Editor In Chief Afif Alfiyanto, M.Pd | ID Scopus: 59404076800
Managing Editor -
Publisher Yayasan Karya Kolaborasi Nusantara
Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimension | Garuda | Crossref

EduVenture Journal is a peer-reviewed academic journal committed to advancing knowledge across the field of education. The journal publishes original research articles, theoretical perspectives, and empirical studies covering various aspects of education, without disciplinary boundaries. We welcome contributions from a variety of fields, including (but not limited to) primary education, secondary education, higher education, educational technology, curriculum development, educational policy, special education, non-formal education, educational psychology, and interdisciplinary studies relevant to education.